(404) 372-8110
(404) 372-8110
If you are thinking of buying or selling a commercial property in Northeast Georgia, a building inspection from qualified Elite Property Inspections Llc inspectors will save you from costly surprises during real estate negotiations. We will ensure that your property is in compliance with fire and regulatory codes.
Elite Property Inspections Llc commercial building inspections include a professional evaluation of:
Any issue with a foundation often has consequences for the rest of the structure. A shift in the foundation will cause a loss of integrity which will become an expensive repair. Moisture issues are also of specific importance when inspecting a basement as excess moisture can lead to mold.
Load bearing walls must be in prime condition but there is more than just that. Insulation and the buildings ability to stop heat transfer is immensely important to the overall functionality of the property. We verify the following:
Whatever material used on the exterior of the building is its main form of protection against the elements. If the exterior is compromised, then further inspection is required to find out just how extensive the damage is.
If a roof is not properly protecting its occupants or the structure, it can lead to unforeseen water damage and result in costly repairs.
Is everything up to code? Are the electrical needs of the occupants met? Is it energy efficient?
HVAC systems are crucial to the welfare of a building’s occupants. However, larger buildings have extensive ductwork and if there is a problem that means that certain areas are not getting the appropriate amount of efficient climate control.
Is your building experiencing leaks, constantly running toilets or clogged drains? How old are the pipes? There are many plumbing issues that you need to know about before you buy.
These are only a few of the services we perform on the commercial buildings of Northeast Georgia. For a more complete understanding please feel free to contact us!
An official Elite Property Inspections Llc inspection includes a complete written report that details the precise condition of a building in Northeast Georgia based on a number of factors:
Inspection services for commercial buildings in Northeast Georgia differ slightly from residential inspections by providing a full in-depth analysis of a range of factors useful to realtors, investors, contractors and other building professionals. Elite Property Inspections Llc inspectors place personal safety at the forefront of each inspection and provide information that helps property holders ensure that their buildings are free from insect infestation, fire hazards and are structurally intact.
Elite Property Inspections Llc provides inspections in Northeast Georgia for a variety of commercial buildings including:
Qualified to provide reliable services for a variety of commercial structures, ranging from new constructions, to heritage buildings, Elite Property Inspections Llc’s highly skilled inspectors have years of experience that property owners can rely on for important investment decisions. Call us for more information and to schedule an appointment.